Gorilla Safari Consultants

Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is located in eastern Uganda and covers an area of about 1,279 square kilometers. It is named after Mount Elgon, an extinct volcanic mountain that stands at an elevation of 4,321 meters. The park straddles the Uganda-Kenya border and offers a unique landscape formed by millions of years of volcanic activity. Its lower slopes are covered with dense montane forests, which transition to moorland dotted with giant lobelias and groundsel as altitude increases.

Activities in Mount Elgon National Park

Hiking and Climbing

Mount Elgon is renowned for being one of the more accessible of the major East African mountains to climb. Unlike its counterparts, it does not require specialized climbing gear or extensive mountaineering experience. There are several trails, but the most popular ones start from Budadiri and cover the Sasa, Sipi, and Piswa trails, offering various levels of challenge and scenic beauty.

Bird Watching

The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 300 bird species recorded, including several that are endemic to the mountain. The diverse vegetation provides a perfect habitat for different bird species, making it a superb birding destination.


Mount Elgon is dotted with caves left by moving lava and erosion. The most accessible and frequented cave is Kitum cave, where elephants and other animals have been known to venture right into the cave to lick the natural salt found on the cave walls.

Mountain Biking

The park offers a unique mountain biking experience along a 90km trail that runs from Sipi trading center to Chema Hill in Kapchorwa town. It’s an exhilarating ride that allows cyclists to enjoy the park’s beautiful landscapes and the surrounding community.

Cultural Encounters

The area around Mount Elgon is home to the Sabiny and Bagisu communities, known for their rich cultural heritage. Visitors can engage with these local communities through organized tours that include traditional dances, handicraft sessions, and local market visits.

Accommodation Options

Luxury Lodges

Sipi River Lodge: Offering a luxury stay amidst the serene backdrop of the Sipi Falls, this lodge provides comfortable cottages with stunning views of the surrounding area.

Mid-range Options

Mbale Resort Hotel: Located a short distance from the park, this hotel offers a comfortable stay with modern amenities, ideal for those who prefer to stay outside the park yet close enough to access daily hikes.

Budget Accommodations

Kapkwai Forest Cottages: Situated within the park, these cottages offer basic but clean and comfortable accommodations, perfect for hikers looking to start their treks early in the morning.

How to Get There

Mount Elgon National Park is about 235 kilometers northeast of Kampala, with road access possible via Tororo to Mbale town at the western base of Mount Elgon before connecting to various trailheads. For international visitors, the nearest major airport is in Entebbe. Visitors can also reach the park by public transport or private car hire from Kampala.

Mount Elgon National Park is not just a destination for hiking and bird watching but a place where visitors can experience the tranquility of nature, explore unique geological formations, and engage with local cultures. It offers a distinctly different environment and set of experiences compared to Uganda’s more frequented savannah parks.

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