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Saadani National Park

Saadani National Park

A place where the wilderness meets the beach! Saadani National Park is Tanzania’s 13th national park and has an area of 1,062 km2. It was gazetted in 2005, and the Tanzania National Parks Authority oversees its management. The park is located administratively in southeast Pangani District of Tanga Region and northeast Chalinze District of Pwani Region. 

Saadani National Park is the only wildlife park in Tanzania with a coastline. A safari here gives you not only the opportunity to plunge into the Indian Ocean straight after your adventure, but also to be submerged in a unique display of both marine and mainland flora and fauna in a naturally fascinating setting.The Park has a bimodal annual rainfall of 800 to 1200 mm and an eastern African coastal climate. Short rains happen from October to December, whereas long rains fall from March to June. The driest and warmest months are best between February and July, when high temperatures can reach 29°C. Although the Park is gorgeous year-round, the dry season is the greatest time to visit.

The climate is hot and humid at the coast. The national Park offers a distinctive fusion of both marine and land-based flora and fauna in a fascinating natural environment. The national park is teeming with a great number of reptiles and birds, there are about 30 species of bigger mammals. Besides many species of fish (over 40), green turtles, humpback whales and dolphins occur in the ocean nearby

The Arab settlement in the area throughout the 19th century is closely related to the name Saadani. Since the earliest days of recorded history, Saadani has played a significant role in the history of the country. It is mentioned in Portuguese chronicles as well as those of famous travelers like Richard Burton, El-Masoud, and Johannes Rebman. The historical Saadani leaves us with the evidence of not only visits of these travellers, but also of a former town which was once a trades centre coordinating overseas and mainland batter trade, including slave trade.

All you need to know about Saadani National Park, Attractions, Wildlife and where to visit.

Saadani National Park is a spectacular safari park with an incredible concentration of wild animals like Waterbuck, Giraffe, Warthog, and Yellow baboon, Reedbuck, Bushbuck, Hartebeest, Elephant, Buffaloes and Lion is obviously. Safaris here will guarantee you great sightseeing experiences as well as scenic beauty and the rich history of Tanzania.

Where to go while on safaris in Saadani National Park

Wami River and Estuary

It is among few African coast where large wildlife is still present in an estuarine situation. You can see hippos, crocodiles, and other animals as near to you as you like here. The rare migratory birds that enjoy the beach, such various species of sandpipers, Eurasian oystercatchers, and common greenshanks, will also be a delight for bird lovers. Several bird species, bats, monkeys, and other reptiles can rest and eat under the evergreen mangrove trees that line the river.

Mafui Sandbank

Mafui Sandbank is within the marine extension of the park whose colourful coral reefs are important breeding sites for many fish species. While in the sandbank tourist enjoys snorkelling and diving underwater and learn on many different type of Indian Ocean living organisms. The chances of seeing dolphins and humpback whales putting on their show in the Indian Ocean are high while here.

Madete beach and nesting site for Green Turtle

Few African coastlines still have significant fauna in an estuary setting, but this one does. The crMadete beach is one of the most major breeding places for the Green turtle, the largest of the hard-shelled sea turtles in Tanzania, putting you as near to a hippos as you wish. Green turtle females lay their eggs along the shore before heading back to the water. The high season is in July – November and a moderate season in January – March. Approximately 8 nests can be seen during this season. The incubation time of the eggs buried in the sand is 45 – 60 days after which they hatch and thereemergethe crocodiles and other wildlife in the area during the hatching periods.

Zaraninge Forest

It is an evergreen lowland coastal forest with closed canopy. Zaraninge is known to be a home to some endemic, rare and threatened species of plants and animal life. It is mostly support elephant life during dry season.

Attractions around Saadani National Park

The Pangani town

Pangani is a very old settlement that was once thought to have been a coastal dhow port that was founded before the sixth century BC. Nevertheless, it later developed as a stop on the caravan route from Late Tanganyika for the shipment of slaves and ivory.

There are several historical sites in and around the town that serve as memories of Tanganyika’s earlier German and British colonial history as well as its significant Arabic influence. Before Tanga Harbour was built, the town acted as a port when sisal plantations were established during the colonial era. Today, it is primarily a fishing community with many coconut trees that provides beautiful beaches for peaceful vacations.

The Bagamoyo town

The Bagamoyo town is rich in history. It was officially founded at the end of the eighteenth century though it can trace its roots back to centuries before this time, and it is the oldest town in Tanzania.

Bagamoyowas the original capital of German in East Africa and was one of the most important trading ports along the east African coast – an important stop for caravans trading slaves and ivory. Bagamoyo town is a remarkable town that provides a glimpse into the past history of Tanzania. The town borders Saadani National Park to the southwest which is 66kms distance an hour drive through Makurunge junction to Gama Entry Gate